gtk_utils.H File Reference

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <glade/glade-xml.h>
#include <libgnomeui/libgnomeui.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  cajun
namespace  cajun::gtk_utils


gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::make_bin_filename_gchar (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where binaries are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBHOME.
GString * cajun::gtk_utils::make_bin_filename_gstring (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where binaries are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBHOME.
gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::make_config_filename_gchar (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where config files are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBCONF.
GString * cajun::gtk_utils::make_config_filename_gstring (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where config files are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBCONF.
gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::make_bot_config_filename_gchar (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where bot config files are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBCONF and CBBOTNAME.
GString * cajun::gtk_utils::make_bot_config_filename_gstring (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where bot config files are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBCONF and CBBOTNAME.
gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::make_docs_filename_gchar (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where documentation files are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBHOME.
GString * cajun::gtk_utils::make_docs_filename_gstring (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where documentation files are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBHOME.
gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::make_support_filename_gchar (const gchar *progname, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where support files are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBSUPPORT.
GString * cajun::gtk_utils::make_support_filename_gstring (const gchar *progname, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where support files are stored for cbsystem. Checks CBSUPPORT.
gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::make_tmp_filename_gchar (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where temporary files are stored.
GString * cajun::gtk_utils::make_tmp_filename_gstring (const gchar *name)
 Retrieve the full path to where temporary files are stored.
void cajun::gtk_utils::sleep (unsigned time)
 Sleep for specified ms but keep GUI events fresh and flushed.
void cajun::gtk_utils::flush_events ()
 Process pending events to the GUI.
void cajun::gtk_utils::add (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *parent_container, GtkWidget *child_widget)
 Add a widget to a container.
void cajun::gtk_utils::add (GtkContainer *parent_container, GtkWidget *child_widget)
 Add a widget to a container.
GtkContainer * cajun::gtk_utils::get_container (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a container from the GladeXML.
GtkWidget * cajun::gtk_utils::get_widget (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a widget from the GladeXML.
GtkWindow * cajun::gtk_utils::get_window (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a window from the GladeXML.
GtkComboBox * cajun::gtk_utils::get_combo (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a combo box from the GladeXML.
GtkCheckButton * cajun::gtk_utils::get_checkbutton (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a check button from the GladeXML.
GtkLabel * cajun::gtk_utils::get_label (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a label from the GladeXML.
GtkEntry * cajun::gtk_utils::get_entry (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a entry textfield from the GladeXML.
GtkProgressBar * cajun::gtk_utils::get_progressbar (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a progress bar from the GladeXML.
GtkStatusbar * cajun::gtk_utils::get_statusbar (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a status bar from the GladeXML.
GtkExpander * cajun::gtk_utils::get_expander (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve an expander container from the GladeXML.
GtkTextView * cajun::gtk_utils::get_textview (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a textview entry from the GladeXML.
GtkTextBuffer * cajun::gtk_utils::get_textview_buffer (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a textview buffer from the GladeXML.
GtkTreeView * cajun::gtk_utils::get_treeview (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a treeview from the GladeXML.
GtkHButtonBox * cajun::gtk_utils::get_hbuttonbox (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve an hbuttonbox from the GladeXML.
GnomeDateEdit * cajun::gtk_utils::get_gnomedateedit (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a gnome date edit widget from the GladeXML.
void cajun::gtk_utils::show (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Show a widget.
void cajun::gtk_utils::hide (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Hide a widget.
void cajun::gtk_utils::show (GtkWidget *w)
 Show a widget.
void cajun::gtk_utils::hide (GtkWidget *w)
 Hide a widget.
void cajun::gtk_utils::show (GtkWindow *w)
 Show a window.
void cajun::gtk_utils::hide (GtkWindow *w)
 Hide a window.
GString * cajun::gtk_utils::span_tag (const gchar *text, const gchar *color)
 Create the string for the span tag, useful for textviews.
GString * cajun::gtk_utils::span_tag (const gchar *text, const gchar *color, const gchar *size)
 Create the string for the span tag, useful for textviews.
const gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_label_get_text (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve a label's text from the GladeXML.
void cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_label_set_text (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name, const gchar *text)
 Set a label's text in the GladeXML.
const gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_textview_get_text (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *textview_name)
 Retrieve a textview's text from the GladeXML.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_textview_set_text (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name, const gchar *text)
 Set a textview's text in the GladeXML.
const gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_entry_get_text (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Retrieve an entry's text from the GladeXML.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_entry_set_text (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name, const gchar *text)
 Set an entry's text in the GladeXML.
gint cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_combo_box_get_active (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Get the active index for a combo box.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_combo_box_set_active (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name, gint index)
 Set the active index for a combo box.
const gchar * cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_combo_box_get_active_text (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Get the active text at the active index for a combo box.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_combo_box_set_active_text (GtkComboBox *gtk_cb, const gchar *text)
 Set the active text of a combo box.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_combo_box_set_active_text (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name, const gchar *text)
 Set the active text of a combo box.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_combo_box_set_active_text (GtkComboBox *gtk_cb, map< string, string > entry_map, const gchar *text)
 Set the active (user-friendly) text of a combo box from "configuration" text.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_combo_box_set_active_text (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name, map< string, string > entry_map, const gchar *text)
 Set the active (user-friendly) text of a combo box from "configuration" text.
void cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_combo_box_add_entries (GtkComboBox *gtk_cb, vector< string > entries)
 Add entries to a combo box.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_refresh_gnomedateedit (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Update the Gnome date edit to the current system time.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_update_progressbar (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Pulse an indeterminant progress bar.
gboolean cajun::gtk_utils::gtk_update_progressbar (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name, gdouble frac)
 Update a progress bar to a particular percentage.
void cajun::gtk_utils::update_progress (GtkProgressBar *bar)
 Pulse an indeterminant progress bar.
void cajun::gtk_utils::update_progress (GtkProgressBar *bar, gdouble frac)
 Update a progress bar to a particular percentage.
void cajun::gtk_utils::clear_textview (GladeXML *glade_xml, const gchar *name)
 Clear a textview of any text.

Generated on Fri Apr 9 10:45:11 2010 for cbutils by  doxygen 1.6.1